Thursday, August 25, 2016


 Some people love each other.
They do miss each other. But, both of them got an ego to keep them together.
" I miss her "
" I miss him "
Said both of them.
Bearing the pain that they don't talk anymore. Bearing the pain that they are not close anymore.
" Well, she probably doesn't want me anymore "
" He already love someone else "
They replied to themself.
The feeling goes unsaid. With false assumptions and expectations.
The space is getting larger and larger. Their relationship is getting worser and worser.
Their love was strong, but it was killed when their ego come along. And eventually,
they do not belong.
People don't know how precious it is to say sorry, how precious it is to be the one that save the situation.
But they choose to hold onto their pride.
Choose to wait and hope from the other side.
When both of them hold onto their pride.
It is when they choose to commit suicide.
Love doesn't kill us.
We killed ourselve
 - Luqman San

Aku syak luqman ni orang yang ikut usrah jugak. tapi kerap pulak dia post pasal benda-benda serupa cam kat atas ni. cambest je baca. betul gak dia cakap, sebab ego lah. manusia ni ego dia kadang-kadang sampai tahap gunung runtuh kat belakang pun dia sanggup lari selamatkan diri, orang yang ada kat tempat selamat sanggup dia tolak bagi orang tu mati sebab nak bagi diri sendiri berlindung kat situ. okay ni aku tengok cite San Andreas. tapi memang berlaku dalam kehidupan kita pon. semua manusia pon ada ego dia. cuma tahap mana teruk dia nak runtuhkan ego tu. ada orang ego melangit, tak mampu nak runtuhkan sebab tinggi sangat. memang sakit hati dgn orang camni.

weekend ni aku diberi masa dengan supervisor untuk menulis first quarter tesis. so hadap laptop je lah. terfikir pasal cerita kak S, dia ex ketua aku dlm ikram siswa. macam-macam la pulak dia ni, suka kat seseorang yg mulut manis & quite hot, pastu rasa sifat-sifat yang ada kat diri dia sesuai dengan si jejaka hot tu & kak S ni rasa jejaka itu pasti suka dengan dia, mereka lately selalu berjumpa kerana urusan kerja.kita tengok lah camne ending dia nnt. aku ni selalu sangat dengar masalah cite orang, selalu pinjamkan telinga kat orang tapi cerita aku sendiri just tenggelam dalam hati aku. ego ke aku?

bila kita terlampau ikutkan kemahuan diri, ego pun makin meninggi. percaya tak tahap keimanan menjadi indikator kepada tahap keegoan kita? macam kapal terbang, lagi plane tu terbang tinggi n jauh, plane tu kelihatan makin kecik di pandangan mata kasar. macamtu jugak diri kita. tapi yang kata-kata luqman san
tu, macam ada kaitan je dengan cerita yang aku pendamkan. hahaha.

ok lah ciaw



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